| 1. | The recommended dose in one ampoule [ ' mpul ] . give subcutaneously 建议1次剂量为1安瓿,皮下注射给药。 |
| 2. | Side effects : there is no side effect with the normal recommended doses . heavy metals and residual insecticides complies with who standards 毒副作用:临床用药量无毒副作用。重金属和残留农药含量合乎世界卫生组织标准。 |
| 3. | If this recommended dose is adhered to , there will be no toxic effects , even in prolonged or habitual use . paracetamol does not accumulate in the body following normal doses 简单的说,含有这种份的药碇如果是按照正常的剂量,是不会积存在人体内的。 |
| 4. | More than 32 % of women who did not graduate from high school got lower - than - recommended doses , compared with 14 % of high school or college - educated women 在学历低于中学的女性患者中,有32 %计量低于推荐水平,而在有中学或大学学历的女性患者中只有14 %是这样的。 |
| 5. | International standard in the 1990 recommendations of the international commission on radiological protection icrp publication no . 60 , the recommended dose limits for exposure associated with practice are as follows 国际放射防护委员会在其一九九零年的建议书第60号刊物内,对于因活动而引致的辐射照射,建议的剂量限值如下: |
| 6. | Because malaria parasites are far more complex than disease - causing viruses and bacteria for which vaccines now exist , malaria vaccines may never carry the same clout as , say , measles or polio shots , which protect more than 90 percent of recipients who complete all recommended doses 因为疟疾寄生虫远比致病的病毒与细菌复杂,而现有的疫苗也都是针对病毒与细菌,因此疟疾疫苗也许永远无法像麻疹或小儿麻痹疫苗那样,只要打完所有建议的剂量后,接种的人90 %以上就可以受到保护。 |